Genç Dönüşüm Project Implemented

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We are about to complete the first phase of our Youth Transformation Trainings, which we set out to train young people who are experts in technology with the cooperation of the Confederation of Turkish Employers' Unions (TİSK), the Women in Technology Association (WTECH) and the technical support of the European Investment and Development Bank (EBRD).

In our project that we started in July, more than 150 lucky students, 70% of whom are women, who graduated from the STEM field and are studying, completed their education and are now ready for employment!

DataScience, . Our students, who have the chance to receive Soft Skill training as well as technical training in our Net, Phyton, SQL, Business Analysis training classes, come to make a difference in the business world.

We are continuing the work of our trainings that we set out to provide you with a better future at full speed. We will keep you informed of developments and our new classes.

Click for examples of press reflections of the opening launch of our Young Transformation Program!

Images from our classrooms:

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