Our Guest Prof. Dr. Mutlu Özcan

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As the Association of Women in Technology, we continue to implement the Glocal Wtech Talks event. An inspiring panel was held with Prof Dr Mutlu Özcan, who was awarded with the “Most Outstanding Scientist” of the Year 2018 by the International Association of the Dental Researches (IADR) and with the “British Royal Academy Diplomat” title by the British Royal University.

We continue to host women who shape science, shed light on the future and inspire the world with their passion for research.

In our event moderated by InfiniTech and Essential Evolutions CEO Esen Tümer, Head of the Dental Biomaterials Department of the University of Zurich Prof. Dr. Özcan talked about her life story, which she directed with her determination to make a name in the world of science, her experiences starting from Germany to Finland, Norway, Brazil, China and America, and her valuable opinions on how to achieve gender equality in science.

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