
The first generation of the 21st century: Generation Z

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The first generation of the 21st century: Generation Z

How will the Z generation, which is defined as the generation born into technology and includes those born after 1995, change the world?

- Unlike the X and Y generations before them, the young generation Z was the first to have the chance to experience technology as an interactive space, not as a passive use tool. It is not the children who watch whatever is shown to him in front of the television, but the children who choose the content to watch themselves.

- Along with digital technology advancing at an incredible speed, the communication understanding of Generation Z is developing in an unprecedented manner. While social media and digital communication occupy an important part of our lives, the new generation develops completely different ways of expressing themselves. Although some experts working in the field of psychology and sociology regard this as a negative development in terms of human health and society, the number of experts who argue that new communication can open doors that we do not know cannot be underestimated.

- The fact that many technological applications are used at the same time also affects the cognitive abilities of the new generation. From this point of view, there is no doubt that today's technological developments will directly affect human evolution.

How do you think Generation Z will change the world?

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